Peter & Patrik
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Irish News Irish News - A Beacon of Hope'

Today - 5 May 2024, Sunday
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A Beacon of Hope'
There is's you! Chernobyl Children International

Exactly one month ago we commemorated the inaugural United Nations 'Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day' on 26th April which marked the 31st Anniversary of the accident of Chernobyl. President Michael D. Higgins and Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan were the first of many world leaders to pay special honour to this historic day of commemoration which is our legacy to the children of Chernobyl.  

This day will be an annual reminder that we must not become complacent and we must advocate and fight for the children living in Chernobyl's shadow, who rely on us to be their voice. 

In the days following the anniversary, both Ali Hewson and I visited the affected regions of Belarus and Ukraine in order to meet with and support victims and survivors of the world's worst nuclear accident.  


In Ukraine we met with our CCI funded Cardiac Mission who were supporting and training a local, all female surgical team.They were operating on baby Alisa who, at just 7 months old, underwent an open-heart surgery to remedy a congenital heart defect commonly known as 'Chernobyl Heart'.  We witnessed the exact moment young Alisa's heart was stopped, in order to preserve and prolong her life.  Without this surgery, Alisa would not have survived. 

Watching little Alisa battle for survival and subsequent triumph was a stark reminder of how precious and precariously fragile life is, and we must continue our fight against the silent killer that is Chernobyl. 

In honour of these children, our 'beacon of hope' must blaze brightly in strength and solidarity, in our quest for Chernobyl to become increasingly safer and we ask you to join with us to share the message that Chernobyl is Forever.  While it is a past event, it remains and unfolding tragedy.  You are the beacon of hope that can and will make a life-saving difference to the children of Chernobyl. 

There is's you!


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